Blind Bowls Championships

by admin on February 19, 2014

Volunteer Markers needed The 35th Australian Blind Bowls Championships are being held in Perth at the Bedford Bowling Club from the 29th April — 9th May 2014.

Actual playing dates Wednesday 30th April – Thursday 8th May (inclusive)

There will be approximately 50 Bowlers and 50 Directors participating; they will play three (3) two (2) hourly games for the nine (9) days mentioned above.
Ever Singles game requires a sighted marker, and the Vision Impaired and Blind Bowlers of Western Australia is SEEKING VOLUNTEERS from our Metropolitan and Country Bowling Clubs to assist.
As we need to make plans early for this event, if you can help as a marker, on any day/s – either morning, afternoon or all day would you kindly complete the slip via this link – Blind Bowlers Markers Needed.
Marie Bellenger.