Cowan resigns from officiating roles
Bowls Australia have announced today that Mark Cowan has resigned from his position as National Officiating Director (NOD) and as a member of the National Officiating Committee (NOC). Mark’s resignation comes as a result of him identifying he was in need of some more time to spend with family and also continuing to play the sport he loves. He will continue in his role as National Training Centre (NTC) Coach for Victoria and Tasmania working with the next generation of elite bowlers in those states as well as continuing to represent Australia on the World Bowls Laws Committee. Mark commenced as NOD on August 19, 2008 and has made a significant contribution to the officiating of bowls in Australia changing the landscape of officiating while also mentoring young officials coming through the grades around Australia. “Mark’s contribution to officiating cannot be underestimated,” Bowls Australia Chief Executive Officer Neil Dalrymple said. “While losing Mark from these two positions is a big change, Bowls Australia is pleased that it won’t be losing his skills and experience entirely as he continues in his NTC role and also on the World Bowls Laws Committee. “People with Mark’s experience are hard to replace and the Bowls Australia Board support his decision and wish him well as he focuses on coaching the future stars of our sport in Victoria and Tasmania,” Dalrymple said.