Interested in Coaching, Competition or Selection?

by admin on July 22, 2014

Competition and Selection Modules coming up… Coaching programs are held in venues both north and south of the river. The programs are conducted by a Bowls Australia accredited Presenter and Assessor.

All existing Level 1 Coaches, who require re-accreditation and prospective new Club Coaches are invited to submit an application.
Registration forms can be obtained by contacting Raj Suares, Bowls WA Operations Co-ordinator (Participation & High Performance) or by downloading from the Bowls WA website below.

Cost associated with participation in coaching courses; Club Coach Accreditation $110.00, Club Coach Re-accreditation $20.00, Introductory Coach Course, Competition and Selection Modules $44.00.
Phone: (08) 9340 0803

Selection Module:  6pm Tuesday, 2 September Warwick Bowling Club

Selection Module:  6pm Monday, 20 October Mt Pleasant Bowling Club 
Club Coach Course:  Saturday and Sunday, 20 & 21 September  Cambridge Bowling Club

Competition Module:  6pm Tuesday, 30 September South Perth Bowling Club 
Introductory Coach Application Form
Ideally suited to coaches working with schools, social bowlers and those introducing a new participant to the game
Club Coach Application Form
Ideally suited to coaches regularly working at club level, either coaching a team or individual
Competition Module Application Form
A focus on the different tactics used during competition
Selection Module Application Form
A focus on minimising the level of subjectivity and increase objectivity as a basis for selection
Club Coach Re-accreditation Application Form
Bowls Australia is committed to ensuring our reaccreditation requirements for coaching are clear for all current and potential coaches. We have designed a system in combination with our state and territory associations which provide the necessary development for our coaches, but removes unnecessary hurdles to completing the process.
Coach’s Code of Ethics’ form