Mandurah APL Cup 2016 coming in September
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2016 After the outstanding success of the inaugural Mandurah APL Cup held last season, Bowls WA and the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club have once again come together to organise, run and host the 2016 Mandurah APL Cup .
Taking inspiration from the popularity of the Australian Premier League shown on the Foxtel Network, both Metropolitan and Country Bowling Clubs are being invited to the Peel region to take on the best male and female bowlers in Western Australia.
In what promises to be the highest standard team event of the year the Australian Premier League style event will take place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2016 at the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club.
Metropolitan and Country Clubs have been invited based on Men’s and Women’s 2015-16 Pennant performances as well as Bowls WA event performances by club individuals. Places in the final field of 32 are filling fast however in the unfortunate event an invited club cannot attend, a second round of invites are ready to go to ensure a full field.
This year clubs will be required to nominate a set number of four (4) players to represent their club.
Further information regarding the makeup of the competition can be seen below with additional information on the clubs involved to be released throughout the next six weeks.
Team Structure
The Mandurah APL Cup is a mixed event and at least one male and one female must be entered in the final nominated squad.
All clubs are required to enter a set number of four (4) players in their team squad.
All clubs must have a nominated manager. This may be a playing or non playing manager.
A player draft will again be conducted for clubs looking to strengthen their team with either a male or female player from outside their club i.e. a club does not have a suitable or available male or female player within their club and need to draft a player into their final player squad. Clubs may not source a non club player on their own but must enter the draft in the hope of selecting that player. More information regarding the draft will be sent.
Country Clubs may nominate one (1) player only from within their league who is not a club member to be part of their squad. This player is not included in the Player Draft.
Draw and Format of Play
The Mandurah APL Cup is a pair’s competition.
A total of 32 club teams will be drawn into four groups of eight for the round robin stage.
The Mandurah APL Cup will be played as a sectional based competition in the preliminary rounds and convert to knockout for all finals play.
All teams will play each other once, totalling seven (7) sectional games with the top two teams in each section advancing to the knockout stages.
Each game will be played over two (2) sets, with each set consisting of five (5) ends. In order to get a fixture winner, a tiebreak end will be played if teams win one set each.
Each game will be played with a one (1) hour time limit excepting the tiebreaker.
Before each fixture, each club will nominate three (3) players out of their four (4) player squad to take part in that fixture.
One of the three players nominated for that fixture will be the nominated substitute at the start of play. A substitute may be injected into the game at any time but must play a minimum of four (4) ends in that fixture excluding tiebreaks.
Each of the four (4) team squad members must play in a minimum of four (4) sectional fixtures