Mandurah APL Cup 2016 Clubs Announced
Played Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September The count down for Mandurah APL Cup 2016 is on with 26 metropolitan and country clubs committed to the final 32 team field. Major sponsor Henselite has also accepted an invitation to enter a team of their Western Australian stable stars under the leadership of Dennis Pattullo and the Perth Bowls Centre.
Taking inspiration from the popularity of the Australian Premier League shown on the Foxtel Network, both Metropolitan and Country Bowling Clubs are being invited to the Peel region to take on the best male and female bowlers in Western Australia.
In what promises to be the highest standard team event of the year the Australian Premier League style event will take place on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2016 at the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club.
Metropolitan and Country Clubs have been invited based on Men’s and Women’s 2015-16 Pennant performances and Bowls WA event performances by club individuals.
The metropolitan charge will be lead by 2015-16 Men’s Premier League Champions Bassendean followed closely by Cambridge, Cockburn, Doubleview, Innaloo, Kardinya, Manning, Mosman Park, North Beach, Osborne Park, Sorrento, South Perth, Stirling, Victoria Park Carlisle and Wanneroo
2015-16 Country Club of the Year, Albany will be heading to the Mandurah APL Cup strongly supported by Boulder, Brookton, Busselton, Dudley Park, Gingin, Gnowangerup, Mandurah, Margaret River, Middleton Beach and York.
With a number of invites still outstanding it is hoped the 32 team field will be finalized in the near future. In the event that one of the invited clubs chooses not to attend, further invitations will be sent as required. If a club would like to be considered for any further invitations they should email their interest to Pieter Harris
Further information on the event and the clubs and players involved will be posted in the coming weeks.