Week 6 Players in WA Bowls Player History
Week 6 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 5 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 4 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 3 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 2 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 1 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
In the week leading up to the next Australian Side Series in South Australia from the 6th-9th April 2017, Bowls WA will publish two documents showing the Men and Women who have represented Western Australia.
Within the document will be a photo of the player, number of state games played, year of debut, cap number and the club they were a member of when initially selected. All information has been collated from the Bowls WA archives and while it is believed the information gathered is correct some information may be incorrect and if this is so please let us know.
For the next 13 Friday’s leading up to the complete document being published, you will have the opportunity to ponder, reminisce and argue who are these players are.
Each week Bowls WA will publish a page of randomly selected Western Australian Men and Women minus their names. How many players can you or your club mates name before the list is republished with the names on the Thursday of the following week.
Week 1 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 2 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 3 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State Bowls
Week 4 in the History of Men’s and Women’s State BoWLS