Men’s Midweek Pennant Finals schedule
Men’s BCiB Midweek Pennant Finals Fixture Schedule
The draws for the Men’s Midweek Pennant Finals and Challenge Playoffs are available via the links below.
As selection rules and conditions have changed from previous seasons it is essential that Club Selectors read page 24 of the Bowls WA Fixture Book, Metropolitan Pennant Competition General Conditions, Selection Rules for a Graded Pennant Competition.
One clarification for the ruling that a player must have played a minimum of four games in that colour and/or division to be eligible for finals being: If a club has multiple teams in the same colour, players are required to have played four games for the specific team involved in the finals to be able to be selected.
Clubs are also reminded that the Men’s Midweek Pennant Competition is a male competition and females selected during the year are only substitutes and have therefore not qualified to play finals no matter how many games they may have played.
If Clubs are in any doubt as to the qualifications of players and they need to enquire or request by emailing Pieter Harris on
Some modifications have been made in the originally scheduled finals fixtures days. Teams that may have been scheduled for a April 6th final in the fixture book may have been moved to the earlier Thursday 30th March if their opponent is available. The decision has been made that any final that is able to be concluded on the earlier Thursday Pennant Day it should be given both teams are in agreement. .
Some fixtures have a TBA for a venue. It is expected those venues will be known very shortly and clubs involved will be sent venue information as soon as possible
Clubs selected to host finals will be contacted via their Pennant Contact to confirm they understand they may not only be hosting their own fixture but also be a neutral venue for other fixtures.
Men’s Midweek Premier 1st Blue and 2nd Div Pennant
Men’s Midweek 1st White Premier Challenge Playoffs
Men’s Midweek 2nd Division 1st Blue Division Challenge Playoffs
Men’s Midweek 3rd Division 2nd Division Challenge Playoffs
Men’s Midweek 4th Division 3rd Division Challenge Playoffs
Men’s Midweek 5th Division 4th Division Challenge Playoffs
Men’s Midweek 6th Division 5th Division Challenge Playoffs