Men’s Midweek Pennant Results
The Men’s Midweek Pennant Results are currently unavailable on Bowls Link.
Results can be found in tomorrow’s West Australia and via these links – which will be added by 4pm each Friday.
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results And Ladders Week 1
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results and Ladders Week 2
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results And Ladders Week 3
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results And Ladders Week 4
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results And Ladders Week 5
Men’s Midweek Pennant Results and Ladders Week 6
Any missing scores are a result of no Pennant Sheet being sent in. If your club is missing scores please email in the Pennant Sheet for the game and the results can be updated. Pennant Sheets must of scores on the not just the points.