COVID-19 Update information for WA clubs
updated Friday 15th May 10.30am
As anticipated the State Government has announced further clarification on the COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Sport and Recreation, commencing Monday 18th May.
These Guidelines are provided in their entirety, HOWEVER, the key statement pertaining to Bowling Greens is noted on Page 4 Outdoor venues, including multicourt venues and ovals.
Bowls WA now advises that clubs may now have twenty (20) people per green, (max – 3 greens) on the proviso that the previously advised safety precautions such as cleaning and social distancing are followed.
In addition, for those clubs that have the facility and ability to serve meals and therefore alcoholic beverages ancillary to that meal, the Sport and Recreation COVID Safety Plan is also available below. This MUST be completed by all relevant staff and volunteers before the premises are opened, with the resulting Safety Plan Certificate on display.
COVID-19 Safety Plan Guidelines for Sport and Recreation
COVID-19 Safety Plan Template for Sport and Recreation
Finally, it must be acknowledged that the interpretation of past regulations has often differed between State and Local Government authorities. It is strongly advised that clubs include their own Local Government in all of these plans prior to opening any club facility.
More detailed information for clubs.
On Bowling Greens
Clubs are permitted a maximum of twenty (20) people per green with up to three greens in use.
As previously advised minimal shared equipment is allowed which must be cleaned frequently, with participants required to continue to practice good hygiene and social distancing by keeping 1.5 metres apart.
Bowls WA continues to recommend club members maintain good hand washing and cough/sneeze hygiene and stay home when unwell.
Within the Club House
Facilities are restricted to a maximum of twenty (20) patrons and subject to one person per 4sqm. Changerooms should remain closed, but the toilets can be opened.
It is very important to note the following:
- Alcoholic beverages may be served BUT MUST BE ancillary to a meal. For those in doubt a MEAL as per the Section 52 of the Licencing Act is noted as follows;
- Substantial and was eaten or genuinely intended to be eaten by the persons to whom the liquor was sold,
- That the meal was served to, or was eaten by, persons seated at a dining table,
- That the primary and predominant purpose of persons entering the licensed premises was to obtain a genuine meal; and
- That the supply of liquor, whether before, during or after the meal, was subordinate and incidental to the service of a genuine meal.
- Each venue must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
- Club kitchen/bar employees and volunteers must also complete a mandatory AHA Hospitality and Tourism COVID-19 hygiene training program which has been launched to prepare the hospitality industry for a return to business. This specialised training course will need to be successfully completed by every staff member employed at a hospitality venue — with businesses strictly only able to reopen when the requirements are met and Certificate(s) shown.
The course covers:
- understanding COVID-19 and venue restrictions
- reporting personal health issues
- maintaining personal and work environment hygiene practices
- reducing cross contamination through procedures
- effective cleaning and sanitising practices
- the course draws on State and Federal health directions regarding COVID-19.
The course is two-tiered, with all staff required to successfully complete the first component, and managers and supervisors required to complete the second, more advanced aspect.
Every venue must have a staff member with the more advanced accreditation on shift at all times, as the venue’s dedicated hygiene officer.
Clubs will also have to display signage that the venue is compliant with all conditions.
Clubs are reminded that breaches to the COVID-19 health regulations can attract penalties of up to $50,000.
Clubs who are in doubt about any of these requirements should contact their local police for further advice.