Good Sports Webinar
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation Good Sports program have scheduled a webinar planned for sports clubs next week. The organisation conducted a survey to see what the biggest issues clubs were facing due to COVD-19. The main concerns clubs reported for their return to sport were re-engaging members, making up for lost revenue and re-engaging volunteers.
Good Sports have collaborated with the Australian Sports Foundation and Volunteering WA to deliver a webinar on Monday the 6th July 2020 at 6:00 pm to address these concerns. They will also address how Good Sports can support clubs in creating a safe, family-friendly environment.
Webinar Overview:
Are you concerned about re-engaging members? Making up for lost revenue? And re-engaging volunteers? Many other sports clubs are reporting these concerns too, and the Alcohol and Drug Foundation has collaborated with the Australian Sports Foundation and Volunteering WA to address these concerns through a webinar.
The webinar will be held on Monday 6th of July 2020 at 6:00 pm. Here is a link to more information and to register:
If you have any questions, please contact James Payne at