Men’s Over 60’s State Pairs resumption
The 2020-21 Motobility Men’s Over 60’s State Pairs will resume on Monday January 18th 2021
- All teams that have not completed their sectional games are required to attend their original venue to complete sectional play.
- Follow on games for all section winners will be at Osborne Park BC on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th January 2021
- If a team is not able to attend, please inform Pieter Harris at as soon as possible so that venues and other teams in the section (if relevant) can be informed.
The Competition will resume under the following Laws of the Sport (only the relevant sections have been provided. For the full Law please see Page 43 of the Laws of the Sport)
Section 2.2 – Factors Affecting Play
32.1 If a game is stopped because of darkness, weather conditions or any other valid reason by:
32.1.1 the Controlling Body
The game must be continued either on the same day or on a different day. The scores will be as they were when the game was stopped.
32.4 Substitutes in a game that is being continued after a stoppage.
32.4.1 If any one of the original players in a team is not available, one substitute will be allowed as described in law 33 (page 44 of The Laws of The Sport)
- Substitutes must be Over 60 and have not have already entered the competition in another team. Teams should inform the venue organiser once they arrive that they have a substitute, and they will pass that information onto the controlling body. A Substitute cannot Skip
- A two-end rollup will be permitted at the start of play for all partially played games
- Teams that have taken the cards for their interrupted game home need to bring those cards back to the venue with them.
South Perth Sections 1-5
Report at 9.00am for a 9.15am rollup for completion of the 1st round and the playing of the 2nd and 3rd rounds of sectional play.
All sections at South Perth commenced on the original day under revised conditions of play in regard to the number of ends to be played. Therefore, it is required that the 1st round continue under that change and the subsequent 2nd and 3rd rounds must also be played under that condition of play change.
All sectional games at South Perth will be played over 12 ends.
Doubleview Sections 6-10
Report at 10.00am for a 10.15am rollup for completion of the 2nd round and the playing of the 3rd round of sectional play.
Sorrento Sections 11-16
All sectional games were completed, and section winners need to report to Osborne Park BC by 9.00am on Tuesday 19th January 2021
Cambridge Sections 17-22
Report at 10.00am for a 10.15am rollup for completion of the 2nd round and the playing of the 3rd round of sectional play.
Osborne Park Sections 23-28
Report at 10.00am for a 10.15am rollup for completion of the 2nd round and the playing of the 3rd round of sectional play.