A COVID Reminder to all Clubs
Published 27th January 2022
One of the queries received over the past two weeks from clubs has been:
“do we have to show Proof of Vaccination when visiting another club, even though our Home Club has sighted our double vaccination status”.
The clear answer is YES.
Every visiting club member is expected to show their double vaccinated status to the Host Club prior to entry. Government regulations clearly state that the Host Club is required to deny entry until that status is confirmed.
Sides will run the risk of playing short if entry is rightly denied, with Bowls WA providing full support to the Host Club’s actions.
Below is a reminder of the vaccination requirements for licensed venues.
Vaccination Requirements for Licensed Venues
The Western Australian State Government (the Government) has announced further restrictions on licensed venues, following advice this now directly affects the operations of Western Australian bowling clubs.
From the 31/1/2022 all patrons to bowling clubs (including members, spectators and the wider general public) are required to be fully vaccinated.
Following is Bowls WA’s response on some likely FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
What area is included in these restrictions?
For the avoidance of doubt, the licensed venue will include the clubhouse, playing surface(s) and surrounds, incorporating all areas within the club’s boundary.
What does fully vaccinated mean?
Fully vaccinated means having received at least two doses of a registered COVID-19 vaccination.
Are there any exemptions?
A person is exempt from the vaccination requirement if that person has a medical exemption recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register or for some reason a temporary exemption issued to the person by the Chief Health Officer of Western Australia or their delegate. These MUST be sighted by the HOME Club representative.
When does this further restriction come into effect?
Monday 31st January 2022.
How do I provide proof of vaccination?
Proof of vaccination will be confirmed via the presentation of an Australian Government COVID-19 Certificate (on-line or hard copy + identification), the Medicare COVID-19 digital certificate or the Service WA app.
Who do I provide it to?
Each club will need to have a “COVID Marshall” responsible for the appropriate checking of a person’s vaccination status as they enter the club. For HOME club members this should be done in advance as previously advised, for VISITORS this should be done at the club gateway to ensure full compliance.
What happens if members/patrons are not vaccinated by the 31/1/2022?
As per the Government regulations they will be unable to enter any bowling club (including the use of greens) in Western Australia.
Suggested process for bowling clubs to adopt
To assist clubs in complying with the further restrictions, the following is a suggested process for clubs to adopt.
- Ascertain the COVID-19 vaccination status of each of your members (playing & social) and record this status in BowlsLink as shown in (BWA Memo 7/1/22),
- Inform members who are not vaccinated (playing & social) they will be unable to be selected or enter the club premises/greens until proof of vaccination is sighted by the (nominated club executive). Ensure that players who have not proven their vaccinated status to the nominated club executive are not selected for away games – it is the HOME CLUB’S responsibility to ensure compliance of their own membership,
- Appoint COVID Marshalls who will be responsible for checking the vaccination status of patrons as they enter the club premises (a number may be required to assist) both on match and non-match days,
- Where safe to do so, limit the number of entry points to the club premises to ensure ease of vaccination confirmation,
- Provide some form of obvious identification to vaccinated patrons at point of entry (wristband, stamp, card etc.) Ensure the stamp is on the arm and not the hand, given the need for handwashing – this will assist bar staff in particular, during service. The club may consider some longer form of identification for Home Club members that confirm their vaccinated status.
- Post at appropriate places at the club COVID information as found in the quick links in this Memo.
Government penalties are in place for individuals (up to 12 months imprisonment and $50,000 fine) and clubs (up to $250,000) that do not comply with these COVID-19 restrictions, notwithstanding the health implications for members and visitors alike. Do your part to keep your members and others safe.
Should you have any queries please contact the Bowls WA office on 9340 0800
Ken Pride Chief Executive Officer Bowls WA
Covid-19 Quick Links
Covid 19 Coronavirus: Safe Transition Stakeholder toolkit