Weekend Pennants – North Beach Update
Bowls WA and the North Beach club have again conferred this morning regarding the playing of pennant tomorrow (12th February).
Given agreement that a cautious approach is warranted, all North Beach matches will be declared a DRAW and points equally shared. This affects the following matches:
North Beach (Men)
Vs Doubleview (Premier)
Vs Doubleview (1 Blue North)
Vs Sorrento (2 Blue)
Vs Sorrento (2 Gold)
Vs Sorrento (4 Gold)
Vs Mt Lawley (5 Blue)
Vs Yanchep (5 Gold)
North Beach (Women)
Vs Bassendean (1 Red)
Vs Dalkeith-Nedlands (1 Blue Nth)
Vs Bullsbrook (2 Orange)
Vs Warwick (3 Blue)
Vs Bayswater 2 (Friday Night)
On a positive note the club was deep cleaned on Wednesday and given no further substantive outbreaks North Beach will re-commence pennant play on Tuesday 15th February.
Bowls WA thanks North Beach for the significant work undertaken over the past week in dealing with this first COVID outbreak at a WA bowling club.