Women’s Inter Region Round Robin this weekend
Warwick Bowling Club will host the Women’s Inter Region Round Robin this weekend. The participating Regions made up of metropolitan clubs are Eastern, Northern, Southern and South Coastal.
The Women’s Metropolitan Inter-Region Round Robin (IRRR) has been running since 2005. The event is comprised of four metropolitan Regions who create two sides of 12 players (24 total), plus reserves, to play round-robin games of fours. The teams are selected on a handicap basis so that a spread of talent is selected in each region. Congratulations to the players selected to represent their Region who can be view in the competition programme.
The round-robin games are played Saturday morning and afternoon and Sunday morning. The Region Committee reviews play in progress during these games and select the top players to compete in an “All Stars” game – these players are typically announced at Sunday lunch after which the All-Star Games commence.
The All Star Team consists of two (2) teams of four (4) players – eight selected (8) Players from each Region. These are the players that have been observed as consistent and have played well over the three games. This is a prestige competition for the best of the Players.