Regional Men’s Health Funding continues
Bowls WA in partnership with the Regional Men’s Health Initiative are please to advise further funding is available and are seeking clubs to host their Working with Warriors program.
With a primary role of delivering education and awareness programs on men’s holistic wellbeing and health, the Working with Warriors – Talk to a Mate initiative will see funding of up to $1,000 per event made available to country clubs/leagues to meet the costs of hosting a speaking engagement (funding cannot be used for prize money). Each engagement can be tailored to suit the particular event, whether that be after or during a bowls carnival or a stand-alone function.
Fifteen clubs across Country Western Australia have already held a Men’s Health session and the responses have been fantastic.
10.05.22 – Bowling Club Esperance
Appreciated us adding value to their event.
14.4.22 – Bowling Club Binningup
Bowlers from various other clubs made a point of coming over and saying that they had seen us present at other Bowls WA events (Beacon and Dumbleyung) and said to keep up the good work!
16.03.22 – Bowling Club Corrigin (Post Fire Event)
“The best talk, well done, you had everyone’s attention.”
16.03.22 – Bowling Club Dowerin
Good engagement and some good follow up chats following the main presentation.
02.02.22 – Bowling Club Leeman
“A lot of important messages you blokes need to listen to!”
20.10.21 – Bowling Club Cunderdin
“That was great … snappy, funny, you kept the guys engaged for the perfect time.”
To host an event contact Aaron Delaporte at Bowls WA with a preferred date and venue and she will coordinate with the Working with Warriors team.
Remember “before it all gets too much …… Talk to a Mate !!
More info on the Working with Warriors program is available from the Working with Warriors Flyer or on the website at