Bowls in WA Unleashed 2025
Bowls in WA Strategic Plan launched
The 2022-2025 Bowls in WA Strategic Plan was launched at a Club Forum immediately preceding the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 30th July.
With the theme of Connecting more people through bowls in more way more often. Bowls in WA Unleashed 2025 provides the blueprint for how Bowls Western Australia will collaborate with purpose with our member clubs and other key partners to enhance the experience and grow bowls.
The Strategic Plan was coordinated by McLaughlin Sports Consultancy, with input based upon an e-survey that was responded to by over 1,000 bowling members from around the State. Following the e-survey a number of smaller, specific meetings were held with Board, Staff, Club Executives and Sponsors which provided the detail for the Plan to come together.
Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride commentated,
“The outcome is a heavy focus on clubs and the actions that will assist in making them self-sustainable on and off the green. An emphasis on driving “participants” to clubs from which clubs can benefit in whatever fashion appropriate is a thread throughout the document, which will guide the Board and Staff over the next 3-4 years. In support of the Strategic Plan is a currently being developed Club Development Strategy, which will underpin the operational aspects of the overall Plan.“