Rainbow Pairs Feedback

Thank you for playing in the recent Rainbow Versatility Pairs event held last month at Doubleview. We felt the day was a tremendous success and we thank you for your contribution to what was a great day for the sport.

We would now like to get your thoughts on inclusion in our sport and within your club – this survey will take a few moments of your time to complete and will assist us in shaping the next steps forward.

Rainbow Pairs Feedback Form
How inclusive do you feel your Bowls Club is towards members of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Have you witnessed or experienced any discrimination or exclusion based on LGBTQIA+ identity within your Club?
How comfortable do you feel discussing LGBTQIA+ topics within your Club?
How relevant was Danielle Laidley’s presentation to inform you about the challenges faced by members of the LGBTQIA+ community?
Do you believe your club would be interested in participating in LGBTQIA+ inclusivity training and workshops?
Would you be willing to provide us with an introduction to your Club Committee?