Roll Up Resources

We’re delighted that your club has decided to become a Hub Club for Roll Up.

To help your club market Roll Up in your community, the below marketing assets have been created by Bowls Victoria for you to use.

Hub Club Marketing Resources

A collection of digital marketing assets have been created for Roll Up Hub clubs to use.

This includes information for your club website, Facebook page, and Instagram. Posters and Roll Up logos can also be found below.

Should you wish to create your own poster using the assets supplied and your own club branding, we encourage clubs to use Canva to ensure a professional standard when promoting Roll Up.

General Branding

Below is a copy of the Roll Up Logo.

  • This logo MUST only appear on a white background for club created marketing.
  • When used, it must be no less than 200 pixels x 155 pixels in size.
  • The logo must appear crisp and clear, not blurry, grainy or squashed in anyway.

When creating posters and social posts, we recommend a service like Canva be used – not word, publisher or equivalent. Canva also offer an app so you’re not restricted to using the service on a computer. Free features are limited, however this is enough for club use.

To access this image:

  • Right click on full size image.
  • Click Save Image As.
  • Save it directly to you computer or mobile device.

Club Website Content

It’s important that your club has a page on your website dedicated to Roll Up. The information below has been drafted for you to share on your club’s website. Copy and paste the text provided into a new page on your website then add the picture.

The link to Bowls Victoria’s Roll Up page is:

To ensure all clubs are using the same messaging, the information on Bowls Victoria’s Roll Up page can be used by clubs. We encourage you copy and paste the text for your own purposes so all clubs are using the same information. This keeps the messaging about the program consistent from club to club.

To save a copy of the image:

  • Right click on the image.
  • Click Save Image As.
  • Save it directly to you computer or mobile device.

Draft website copy:

Calling all junior bowlers – get in the game with Roll Up!

Roll Up is a Bowls Victoria junior program running at bowls clubs around the state. Our club will be running this 4 to 6 week social bowls program, aimed at but not limited to, 12 to 17-year-olds. 

Roll Up is designed to get more young people active through sport and has been developed in conjunction with VicHealth.

Roll Up allows kids to learn and build their confidence in bowls by providing a supportive, relaxed, social and fun environment. Food, drink and equipment provided.

Sessions times:

<Insert your session times here>

How to register:

Sign up online at to get in the game today!

To learn more about Roll Up, please visit

Club Facebook

The below information has been drafted for you to share on your club’s Facebook page. Save the image and copy and paste the text provided into your post.

The best time to share a post is 8PM, this is when your audience are mostly likely to be online. Make sure you include a web link that goes directly to a page on your website that contains information about Roll Up at your club. Alternatively, you can use the following url:

To save a copy of the image:

  • Right click on full size image.
  • Click Save Image As.
  • Save it directly to you computer or mobile device.

Draft Facebook post:

Calling all junior bowlers!

We have a great new social bowls program running at our club. Roll Up is a 4 to 6 week program aimed at but not limited to, 12 to 17-year-olds.

Juniors can develop their playing skills and game knowledge through skill development, modified games, support coaching and competition play. Food and drinks are provided during each session and you’ll also receive a Roll Up starter pack when you attend your first session!

Sign up online at to get in the game today!

Club Instagram

The below information has been drafted for you to share on your club’s Instagram. Save the image and copy and paste the text provided into your post.

The best time to share a post is 8PM, this is when your audience are mostly likely to be online. Make sure you include our hashtags, together with your own unique club hashtags – this is how people find you. This also helps Bowls Victoria see your post and direct additional followers to it.

To save a copy of the image

  • Click on the image.
  • Right click on full size image.
  • Click Save Image As.
  • Save it directly to you computer or mobile device.

Draft Instagram post:

Calling all junior bowlers!

We have a great new social bowls program running at our club. Roll Up is a 4 to 6 week program aimed at but not limited to, 12 to 17-year-olds.

Juniors can develop their playing skills and game knowledge through skill development, modified games, support coaching and competition play. Food and drinks are provided during each session and you’ll also receive a Roll Up starter pack when you attend your first session!

Sign up online at to get in the game today!


Club Poster

Click on the image below to download an editable poster where you can add in your club details prior to printing. It is recommend that clubs have their posters printed by a professional service like OfficeworksSnap PrintingKwik Kopy.

Need further assistance?

Contact our friendly team now.