As all State Coaches and Selectors had come to the end of their current contracts after the 2019 National Side Series, Bowls WA under took a full review of the Western Australian High Performance Structure as well as key documents that determined the duties for coaches, selectors and players.
The key structures and policies that were reviewed and examined included:
- Current Bowls WA structures and policies
- Current Bowls Australia structures and policies
- Current and past other Australian State and Territories structures and policies
- Other sports that had a similar relationship between volunteer coaches, selectors and players. Especially relevant were sports where state players first priority was to make a living and sport was very important to them, but was still second priority e.g. completely amateur to semi amateur athletes
While bowls has a more diverse age group when it comes to structures than other sports, the three common priorities that were determined were:
- The advantages to having an individual linking across all selected squads/teams within the structure
- The importance to having a very strong development program underpinning state squads
- A more streamlined structure as well as a streamlined number of coaches and selectors so all squads are moving in the same direction
As such the following links outline the 2020 High Performance Structure as well the key documents within the structure
High Performance Structure 2020
High Performance And Talent Development Policy 2019
2019 20 State Squad And Code Of Conduct Contract
Bowls WA Academy Athlete Induction Manual
Chair Of The State Selection Panel Job Description
State Selector Job Description
Over 60’s State Selector Job Description