Club Development

Game Plan

Sport Australia’s Game Plan is an online diagnostic tool that volunteers and club administrators can use to improve how they operate.

Clubs can check how they’re performing in 13 areas including four foundation modules that underpin all club operations – Governance, Strategy, Finance and Workforce.

The modules are quick and easy to complete. Once a club has finished a module, they receive a maturity rating, information and resources to help them improve, and an action plan to assign responsibilities and timelines.

A key focus of Game Plan is assisting community level sporting clubs and volunteers as they recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Clubs and an access resources to help them grow their membership base as well as support the recruitment and retention of volunteers in a new sporting environment.

Game Plan

Good Sports

Good Sports works together with local sporting clubs to build a healthier sporting nation. The program has helped over 7000 sporting clubs across Australia provide a safe and inclusive environment, where everyone can get involved.  Click on the link below for more information about how your Club can become a Good Sports Club.


Silver Sport

SilverSport supports seniors aged 60 years and over to participate in sport and active recreation.

It allows eligible seniors to apply for financial assistance to contribute towards sport club memberships or physical activity program fees of up to $200 per person subject to available funding.

To be eligible to receive financial assistance through SilverSport, an applicant must:

  • Be aged 60 years or older;
  • Have a valid health care card or pensioner concession card; and
  • Be a current resident of the participating local government.

To find out if your club is eligible for SilverSport click here.