
Bowls WA – A Sport for Life

The sport is certainly increasing in popularity in this Colony. It is now so largely patronized that it is thought the time has arrived for the formation of an Association. The various Clubs have been communicated with on the matter, and have agreed to send delegates to a meeting on a date to be fixed.
Sunday Times 26 December 1897

And so the formation of what is now Bowls WA commenced.

Today there are nearly 14,000 playing members of 203 clubs stretching from Port Hedland in the north to Esperance in the south and all points in between. Many thousands more play in various corporate or social formats in a game that is being embraced by the young and the not so young. From simple beginnings players may involve themselves in social play, join a club and become a pennant player catering for all standards of ability, represent their state in junior, over 60s or open competition or for the highly talented represent their country at the Commonwealth Games.

For decades the bowling club has been the social centre of the country town and with 142 country clubs spread throughout regional WA, this has never been more the case. The reputation of the bowling club as a safe, welcoming environment remains true with people of all ages and walks of life involved in the game.

Indeed it is a Sport for Life.