On Green Drills
The following selection of drills are some of the more common ones available and include scoring templates that can be printed onto paper or card. All drills can be modified to be easier or harder depending on a player’s current development.
Shot Selection Scenarios
The following scenarios require you to think about what is going on in the head and not just what the next shot is.
One of the more difficult areas to communicate to players, without being on the green, is the art of head building and shot selection. Good decisions can often be the difference between winning and losing.
You are required to do 3 things:
- .What are the advantages to your current situation?
- What are the disadvantages or what could go wrong in your current situation?
- Identify four shots you would play in the order that you would play them. Sometimes there may not be four shots that you would consider playing. This is the opportunity to think outside what you would normally consider a valid shot. You never know what you might think of and it may open your eyes to a different way of seeing things.
The Demo Scenario will show you what is expected. Do them in groups or on your own.