The latest edition of Jack Hi Magazine is available to download online.
The Jack Hi is a quarterly publication that is distributed online throughout the state and beyond. There are currently close to 13,700 men and women playing lawn bowls in WA.
The magazine is produced in full colour, this popular publication maintains strong readership and the majority of readers are in the 40 plus demographic. In recent years there has also been an increase in the number of younger bowlers becoming involved in the game.
Readers of the Jack Hi have genuine interests regarding their finances, investments, retirement planning and maintaining a good quality lifestyle.
For information regarding advertising in the Jack Hi, please contact Clive Adams on (08) 9340 0800, or email
Any clubs, or bowlers wishing to contribute editorial to the magazine, please contact Clive Adams on (08)9340-0807, or email
To advertise in Jack Hi Jack Hi Rate Card and Booking Form
Past issues are available at