Governance Committee

Governance Committee

  • Lisa Featherby (Chair)
  • Doug Kelly
  • Judy Flanagan
  • Ken Pride (Staff)


The Purpose of the Governance Committee is to provide guidance to the Board in discharging its responsibilities by ensuring an effective governance framework exists.

Key Responsibilities

The Committee is responsible for advising the Board on matters of effective governance through:

  1. Approving, reviewing and monitoring key corporate policies and procedures to ensure operational and legal compliance,
  2. The composition of the Board and its committee, including recruitment, induction and professional development of Board Directors,
  3. Reviewing the performance of the Board and its Directors, at a minimum of every two years,
  4. Reviewing the performance of Bowls WA committees against the outcomes sought from the strategic plan.

Specific Responsibilities

Policies and Compliance

  • Provide relevant advice and recommendations to the Board on the Constitution and By Laws,
  • Periodically review committee charters to ensure the practices of the Board and Committees are consistent with a reflect best practice in corporate governance,
  • Maintain a register of key corporate documents, policies and charters.

Board and Committee composition

  • Consider from time to time the appropriate size and composition of the Board,
  • Determine the skills and competencies required of the Board to fulfill its roles and responsibilities and maintain a skills matrix showing the collective skills of Directors,
  • Refer to this skills matrix to identify skills gaps and determine the need for Elected and/or Appointed Directors,
  • Ensure there is an effective induction program for new Directors,
  • Oversee and provide relevant educational opportunities for Directors in order for them to fulfill their responsibilities,
  • Review the committee structure to ensure they best meet the governance and operational needs of the organization,
  • Ensure each Committee’s Terms of Reference is reviewed as required.

Performance Assessment

  • Develop a process for assessing the performance and operation of the Board and its Directors.

Membership of the Committee

The membership, quorum and Chair of this committee is as per the Finance, Audit, Investment Review (FAIR) Committee. If the Chair is unavailable for a meeting, the Chair may nominate another member to serve as Chair for that meeting only.

Meetings of the Committee

Meetings will be held at the time of the FAIR Committee and minuted accordingly, with any recommendations tabled as required at the following Board Meeting.