Game Development Committee
- Marc Abonnel – Chair
- Glenda Cooper
- to be advised
- Pieter Harris – Staff
The purpose of the Committee is to strategically consider all matters at all levels pertaining to the development of the sport of Bowls in WA and to make recommendations to the Board as it sees fit.
Duties and Responsibilities
In assisting the Board in fulfilling their responsibilities, the duties of the committee shall be:
- To annually review the Bowls WA General Conditions of Play and where appropriate provide recommendations to the Board,
- To annually review the Metropolitan Pennant Conditions of Play and where appropriate provide recommendations to the Board,
- To review the current structures and formats of the game, to ensure their suitability for both existing and potential participants,
- To take recommendations from Advisory Committees on matters pertaining to the game (including but not limited to Greens, High Performance, Coaching and Umpires) and recommend to the Board as required.
- The Game Development Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) members,
- The Chair of the Committee shall be a Board Director, who shall be appointed by the Board,
- The other three (3) members will be Board Directors (2) and the relevant member of Staff as appointed by the CEO who shall act as Secretary, record Minutes and outcomes as required.
- A quorum shall be set at 50% of the members of the committee,
- Meetings will be held every second month or as determined by the Chairperson,
- Game Development meetings, activities, agendas and minutes are to be recorded and forwarded to the Board as part of the following Board Meeting agenda,
- The Minutes of the meetings are to be made public through the Bowls WA website.
The Committee is authorized within the scope of their responsibilities set out in these Terms of Reference to:
- Perform the activities required to address its responsibilities and make reports to the Board,
- Co-opt any individuals that the committee may require to carry out its duties, including any additional staff members as approved by the CEO.
Governance responsibilities
The committee shall ensure that it;
- Evaluates, on an annual basis, its own performance and review these Terms of Reference and as it considers appropriate, propose any changes for approval by the Board,
- Ensure adequate resources and support are in place to enable the committee to fulfill its duties effectively and efficiently,
- Undertake the scoping, feasibility and planning for special projects assigned to the committee as determined by the Board.
Term of Office
The term of office for committee members shall be in accordance with the Bowls WA Constitution and as set by the Board at the time of their appointment.