Final Metro Club Teams take their place in the Mandurah APL Cup
Played Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September 2015 The list of Metropolitan Clubs set to play in the Mandurah APL Cup on Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th September 2015 is complete.
Although Victoria Park Carlisle may have had players leave over the winter months, they still have a strong list of both Men and Women players to choose from. A strong showing in the Mandurah APL Cup will provide them with confidence that the 2015-2016 season can be a success.
Wanneroo regained their Men’s Premier League status for the coming season and have therefore earned their inclusion into the field of the Mandurah APL Cup. This will be the first step to re-establishing themselves as a top flight club in both the Men’s and Women’s Competition.
Cockburn also earned promotion back to Men’s Premier League after a number of years in the lower first divisions. Cockburn has also built some impressive results in the lower divisions showing they are regaining the depth that made them formidable opponents in past years. Cockburn members are always up for a challenge and this inaugural tournament will be right up their alley.
Stirling Men had a disappointing 2014-2015 season but they have retained their strength and look the pre season favorites to regain their place into the Men’s Premier League. This tournament will be their one chance this season to show the top clubs of Western Australia that they will be back.
South Perth went within one bowl of being Men’s Premier League Champions in 2013-2014 before being relegated last season. Like Stirling, they have retained the strength of the club that was successful in past years. The Mandurah APL Cup is also their chance to show the Western Australian public that they are not going away.
For the last few years Mosman Park women have had outstanding success in the Premier League earning them an invite into the Mandurah APL Cup. With the Men rebuilding to again challenge for promotions, this club will be a substantial threat in the tournament.
Gosnells women had a very successful 2014-2015 season just going down to Manning in the Women’s Premier League Grand Final. With the Men and the club as a whole gaining multiple pennant promotions, Gosnells were worthy Metropolitan Club of the Year winners at the Bowls WA awards nights. With the current depth in both male and female players a big showing at the Mandurah APL Cup would not be unexpected.
North Beach Bowling Club has had terrific success both on and off the green over the past few seasons. A membership that continues to grow, a Women’s Premier League team that is a threat each year and a Men’s 1st Division team that is beginning to push for promotion into the Men’s Premier League, North Beach are primed for a big showing in the Mandurah APL Cup.
In the coming days the final country club additions for the Mandurah APL Cup will be released along with the whole of the final field.