John Roberts appointed Chair – National Officiating Advisory Group
Bowls Australia has concluded its search for a new Chair – National Officiating Advisory Group, confirming Victoria’s John Roberts as the successful candidate.
The Chair of the NOAG is a key volunteer position within Bowls Australia and will play an important role in providing advice and guidance to the Bowls Australia Board in all aspects of officiating within Australia and internationally.
Roberts steps into the role with a wealth of knowledge and experience in officiating the sport of bowls, including being the current Chairman of Bowls Victoria’s Umpiring Committee and member of their Laws and Rules Committee, in addition to presently being the Chairman of the District Umpires Committee for the Yarra Bowls Region for the past three years.
Roberts’ outstanding commitment and passion to this area of the sport was recognised at Bowls Australia’s 2014 Awards Night, where he was awarded the Official of the Year honour for his contribution to being an International Technical Official at national and international events.
Having provided his officiating expertise to the sport for more than a decade, John’s capability is universally acknowledged as being first-class.
He has a proven track record of officiating at national events, including every Australian Open since its inception, with the highlight being marking the Fox Sports broadcast men’s final in 2013.
Testament to his ability, Roberts was chosen to officiate at both the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games and 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games, and also played a crucial role at the 2012 World Bowls Championships in Adelaide.
Off the green, Roberts has been instrumental in working with Bowls Australia to develop training videos to enhance the competencies of umpires, markers and measurers, and regularly organises Presenter and Assessor training sessions across the state of Victoria.
Bowls Australia congratulate John on his appointment to this position.