Yarloop Bushfire Appeal Updated
New total: 14,715.16 Following further donations since the previous article Bowls WA is please to announce another $6,000 has been added to the previously announced total.
Bowls WA would like to thank the following clubs for their contributions toward the Yarloop Bushfire Appeal. The total amount being $14,715.16 which will be presented prior to the annual Country v State Squad game at Osborne Park Bowling Club on Thursday March 3rd.
Also thank you to the various other clubs and members who may have donated directly to the Lord Mayors Distress Fund.
Cambridge $1,075.00
Collie $134.40
Doubleview $1,302.80
Fremantle $200.00
Glen Forrest $1,000.00
Halls Head $1,430.00
Inglewood $173.70
Innaloo $480.55
Kardinya $263.00
Manning $571.25
Mosman Park $537.00
Mt Pleasant $135.00
Osborne Park $1,090.00
Pemberton $100.00
Perth & Tatts $200.00
Port Headland $500.00
Rossmoyne $490.55
South Perth $302.90
Spearwood $1,000.00
Swan $221.20
Thornlie $1,302.81
Warnbro $2,000.00
Other Individual Members $205.00