Mandurah APL Cup 2016 Field Set
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2016 The Mandurah APL Cup field is now complete with 32 teams set to compete at the Mandurah Bowling and Recreation Club on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September 2016.
Bowls Elite in Osborne Park have joined Henselite and the Perth Bowls Centre as the major sponsors of the Mandurah APL Cup and will field a Bowls Elite representative team to take on many of the best club teams in Western Australia.
Also joining the tournament will be first time participants Halls Head, Toodyay and Western Australia’s own National Training Centre team under the watchful eye of coach Therese Hastings. The Gosnells Bowling CLub returns after appearing last year to complete the field.
As clubs begin to complete their teams, more information will follow soon on the players involved and which clubs will be looking to draft a player in early September.
For players not selected for their club or are at a club not competing and are looking to enter the draft for a chance to compete in the Mandurah APL Cup, look out for the nomination forms that will be released in the coming weeks.
The Final 32 teams competing in the Mandurah APL Cup 2016 are:
Albany Bowling Club
Bassendean Bowling Club
Boulder Bowling Club
Bowls Elite in Osborne Park
Brookton Bowling Club
Busselton Bowling Club
Cambridge Bowling Club
Cockburn Bowling Club
Doubleview Bowling Club
Dudley Park Bowling Club
Gingin Bowling Club
Gnowangerup Bowling Club
Gosnells Bowling Club
Halls Head Bowling Club
Innaloo Bowling Club
Kardinya Bowling Club
Mandurah Bowling Club
Manning Bowling Club
Margaret River Bowling Club
Middleton Beach Bowling Club
Mosman Park Bowling Club
North Beach Bowling Club
Osborne Park Bowling Club
Perth Bowls Centre/Henselite
Sorrento Bowling Club
South Perth Bowling Club
Stirling Bowling Club
Toodyay Bowling Club
Victoria Park Carlisle Bowling Club
WA National Training Centre Squad
Wanneroo Bowling Club
York Bowling Club