Adjustments to 2016-17 Final Pennant Draws
The 2016-2017 Final Draw for all Bowls WA Pennant Competitions has been released.
Some changes have occurred in all competitions with these changes highlighted in the following pennant competition specific documents.
All Pennant Competitions will be uploaded onto the Bowls Connect Competition Portal in the future and clubs will be notified when this has been completed.
All competitions are still subject to change if any withdrawals or additions occur. If this takes place the clubs directly effected will be contacted via their club secretary and pennant contact.
2016-2017 Men’s Saturday Pennant Competition
2016-2017 Men’s Midweek Pennant Competition adjusted 29 September 2016
2016-2017 Women’s Tuesday Pennant Competition adjusted 29 September 2016
2016-2017 Women’s Saturday Pennant Competition
2016-2017 Women’s Friday Night Pennant Competition