Primary school students bowl them down at Port Bouvard
Annual Primary School Bowls carnival Port Bouvard Bowling Club hosted the Annual Primary School Bowls carnival on Friday 18 November.
John Gowdie the Port Bouvard co-ordinator of Junior Bowls, arranged the carnival with the Phys Ed teachers from each school and their co-operation was greatly appreciated.
96 students in year 5 and 6 from Falcon Primary, Mandurah North Primary, St Damien’s Catholic Primary, Ocean Road Primary, Riverside Primary, Fredrick Erwin Primary each played 5 games. 4 members in each team played with two bowls, in a Pennants format.
The day finished with a Spider played separately by each school.
The bowls competition was keenly played with many of the students showing exceptionally high skills.
The results of the day were
Winners: St Damien’s with 20 points
Second: Fredrick Irwin18 points
Third: Riverside 15 points
Fourth: Mandurah Nth 13 points
Equal Fifth: Falcon and Ocean Road each with 12 points
The event would not have such a great success without the assistance of the Club Bowlers including
Coaches – John Gowdie, Chas Curtis, Ron Jones (also National Umpire)
Chair of Ladies Selectors – Helga Thomas (also National Umpire)
Men’s Selector – Alan Bishop
Men’s Match – Richard Passmore
Club Director – Bob Court
Club Bowls Pennant players – Les Thomas, Bill Boyce, Steve Payne, Lyn Smith, Jeff Lynn, Ian Thomas, Frank Clayton, Norm Poole, Ian Wyllie, Jeff Lyn, Kevin Edwards, Ted Osborne
The Club has already received a request to hold the Carnival again in November 2017 with 8 Primary schools wishing to attend. Hopefully the event will be played at three clubs sharing the load on volunteer bowlers who are essential for an event of this type.
Photo: The winning school St Damien’s Catholic Primary School with a number of Club Bowls volunteers