Batavia win Inter League Pairs

by admin on December 5, 2016

Northern Zone Women’s ILRR Pairs Results Batavia Bowling League has dominated the Northern Zone Women’s Inter League Round Robin Pairs event held at the Geraldton Bowling Club on November 23rd – 25th 2016. Batavia Red won the competition with Batavia White finished runner-up narrowly ahead of Moore Districts who finished 3rd. Central Midlands 4th, Central West Coastal 5th and North Midland 6th rounded out the finishing positions with all teams winning and losing at least one match such was the spirit of competition.
Spearheaded by teams skippered by Bowls WA Hall of Fame member Lee Poletti and Penny Needham Country Bowler of the Year Norma Follington along with Dion Delamotte all three teams completed the five matches of competition undefeated as Batavia Red won an impressive 22.5 rinks from 30. Batavia White would also be very happy with their performance in finishing second. After a seven shot loss to Central West Coastal and a surprise one shot loss to North Midlands they defeated the winners Batavia Red by five shots in round four.
Congratulations to all players who represented their respective leagues with distinction and thank you to host club Geraldton.
Northern Zone Womens Inter League Round Robin Pairs Results
Photo: Winning players from the Batavia Red side.