New Strategic Plan adopted
The Bowls WA Board has adopted the Association’s strategic direction for the next five years.
Focussing very much on sustainability for the future, the Plan highlights the importance of the club network to the sport and the need for continual improvement across all areas. As a result four important Pillars have been identified:
1. Business Sustainability (and the long term future of the Association)
2. Member Services (and the continual improvement of club operations)
3. Engagement & Growth (adapting to what the non-bowling community demand in order to grow the sport)
4. Events, Competitions & Pathways (improving the sport at all levels for those currently involved)
These key pillars themselves have identified goals & performance targets, with specific strategies in place to achieve them over the five year timeline.
Of course change both within and outside the sport is constant and therefore the Plan will be under on-going review to ensure the best possible practices are being undertaken at Club and Association level. Currently Bowls Australia is similarly undergoing a full review of the strategic direction of the sport in Australia for the same period. A series of meetings involving key stakeholders, including Bowls WA is now underway and will published mid year.
Strategy for Bowls in Western Australia Summary 2017
The Bowls WA Strategic Plan will be made available to clubs with the Annual Report.
DSR – Department of Sport & Recreation
OSP – Organisational Sustainability Program
BA – Bowls Australia
B in A – Bowls in Australia
ASC – Australian Sports Commission
STA – State & Territories
RBM – Regional Bowls Manager
BPL – Bowls Premier League
ITO – International Technical Officer