Make your Club a Top Club
The whole Community wins Created by sport for sport, the Top Club project engages club members in developing club values, vision and identifying appropriate and inappropriate behaviour as part of developing a year-long club plan. The plan assists the president and committee in identifying key tasks to be undertaken. With Triathlon and now Bowls joining the program there are ten sports involved with Top Club.
How it works?
Clubs who undertake the Top Club program receive great benefit for only a few hours of consultation as a Top Club facilitator takes 3-4 club committee members through the program to develop a plan for your club. Ahead of the Top Club session, a survey will seek individual club member input. These results feed into the program so your committee can see what is considered most important by members. All you need to bring along is a shared laptop.
Regional Bowls Managers Clive Adams and Shenayde Heldt along with Bowls WA Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte will be present to assist clubs as they work through the program with the Top Club facilitator.
What do we get?
A year long plan which underpins a club’s values and clearly expresses expected behaviours will contribute to a stronger club. The plan will be emailed to your nominated club representative. Top Club outcome objectives can be assigned to committee members with target dates – the system has the ability to generate automatic emails to remind those responsible of upcoming targets to help keep your club on track to fulfil the set goals.
When and where?
Bowls WA will begin a pilot program on Monday August 21st at South Perth Bowling Club from 6pm to 8pm.
How to register?
Simply email Aaron Delaporte – Bowls WA Operations to register your club for the program. Entries will be limited and will close on Monday July 24th.
Need more information?
Read the Top Club flyer or talk with your Regional Bowls Manager about how the program works and can benefit your club.
Clive Adams
Phone:0408 136 831
Shenayde Heldt
Phone:0429 781 176