Another Top Club session available
Monday 22nd January at South Perth Bowling Club Another session is available for clubs who wish to take part in the club planning and development program called Top Club. This session to be held on Monday 22nd January from 5.30pm to 8pm at South Perth Bowling Club will be limited to just nine clubs.
Fifteen clubs have already taken part in the program which is provided through the WA Sport Federation via an online program in a facilitated session at the end of which clubs receive a club plan and action list for the next twelve months.
Rossmoyne Club President Fred Osborne who attended the most recent two hour session was pleased with the outcome.
“I enjoyed the session very much and was delighted by how much we achieved. I think that our club is on the right track but the exercise helped me to clarify our values; identify what we are doing well; what needs to be improved; and what essential items are not being addressed.
I will now work with my management colleagues to produce a rolling strategic plan based on a refinement of the information from the Club Plan and the Club Action Plan.
This will then be presented to our members for comment and acceptance.”
Please contact Bowls WA Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte to register your clubs attendance at the upcoming session on Monday 22nd January 2018 at South Perth Bowling Club 5.30pm – 8.00pm.
Sessions in regional and country areas are currently being planned and will be announced in 2018.
More information on Top Club
Top Club is an online planning tool that can assist your club to achieve best practice procedures. It facilitates a sense of ownership by engaging your members to provide input into what they consider to be the essential elements of their club. Top Club’s planning is based on what members nominate to be the club’s purpose, values, vision and appropriate member behaviour both on and off the greens. The outcome is a year long club plan with clear strategies and objectives that can assist you with the delegation process and prioritising.
Top Club can assist your club to spread the workload, enhance club culture and ultimately make life easier for your president and committee..
The Benefits:
The Sessions are FREE
Reduce 2 days of planning to 2 hours
Includes access to bowls specific resources
Your club outcomes:
Develop year long strategies & objectives
Achieve your club goals
Assign responsibility & due dates