Introducing the Clearinghouse for Sport
Connecting Australian sports people to a world of ideas, experience and knowledge Connecting Australian sports people to a world of ideas, experience and knowledge
What is it?
The Clearinghouse for Sport (Clearinghouse) connects Australian sports people to a world of ideas, experiences and knowledge. Led by the Australian Sports Commission, the Clearinghouse for Sport is an Australian sport sector information and knowledge sharing initiative.
Who is it for?
A service for and of Australian sport. We are working alongside our key sport sector partners who share leading roles in the sport information services space. We are working together to improve the quality and accessibility of sports information presently available to the Australian sports community.
Why is it important?
It’s a valuable resource. Quality assured Information and knowledge is a highly strategic Australian sport sector resource. Access to it enhances our awareness of key issues, helps us identify opportunities, and informs decisions in all areas and at all levels of sport.
Where do I find it?
A ‘go-to place’ for your sport information needs. The Clearinghouse for Sport website brings research, expertise and evidence from leaders in the field of sport and physical activity together in one place. It’s a one stop portal for your information needs.
Why should I get involved?
Australian sport stands at the threshold of the knowledge age. An era in which the sharing of ideas and ‘know-how’ will be the source of innovation, productivity, and competitive advantage. Join now!
Membership Availability
The Clearinghouse for Sport is open to all who wish to register and join this growing online knowledge sharing community. Registration is available online via the Become a Member page.
Clearinghouse for Sport members can access a range of online services and resources including:
• Portfolios of information covering key topics relevant to the Australian sport sector
• Full text electronic journals and research databases
• Digital image files and video recordings
• Current awareness and alerting services
• Digitally archived Australian sports publications and reports
• Research and references services
• Discussion forums and other online social collaboration tools.