Graham Leeks elected as 5th Bowls WA President
at Bowls WA AGM, South Perth Saturday 26th July A strong representation of
metropolitan and country clubs attended this year’s Annual General Meeting held
at South Perth, where the President Patrick Buller retired after four years
service. In addition Wendy Ireland had decided not to stand for re-election
paving the way for new board members
Olivia Linden (Mundaring) and Con Migro (Sports Association) to be elected
unopposed. Previous Deputy President Graham Leeks and respected Country
Director Kerry Andersen had nominated for the positions of President and Deputy
President respectively and will join with Therese Hastings, Hendy Cowan, Linda
Deegan-Humphries and Wiggy Harley as the new board for 2014/15. The
Association’s thanks to Pat and Wendy for their valued contributions in office.
The Bowls Management Committee
had completed its initial two year term, with Brian Burton, John Goddard, Tom
Gates and Peter Falconer elected to the committee as club representatives. They
join Anne Lilley, Bev Bradshaw, Merle Burn and new member Linda Landers
(Cannington) as elected club representatives. Retiring members Max Petrich and
Jaewyn Norton were thanked for their service as were long-standing country
committee members Pauline Pierce and Wally Treloar who accepted Certificates of Service from Pat Buller.
The meeting accepted the accounts
for 2013/14, which showed a surplus of $13,020 for the period, although a word
of caution from CEO Ken Pride who noted that announced reductions in government
funding via the Department of Sport & Recreation and Healthway will see a
much tighter budget for the period ahead. A potential outcome could be the loss
of programs, a very disappointing outcome after several years of growth,
particularly within the Inclusive Practices area.
He also outlined to the meeting
the amended Condition of Play regarding open gender pennants and particularly
for clubs on Thursday and Saturday, who have less than ten female capitated
Main Image: New Bowls WA President Graham Leeks addresses those in attendance at the AGM
Images: Patrick Buller presents Wally Treloar and Pauline Peirce with Certificates of Service