Umpire Courses Upcoming
Courses to be held in August/September at Yokine and Como Applications are invited for New and Re-accrediting and Up-grading Umpires to attend Tutorials and Exams.
Emails have been sent to each club’s registered email address, showing the status of their Umpires and Measurers as at 31 May 2014. Attached to each email will be Four (4) sets of application forms ~ Notice, Re-accrediting Umpires; Re-accrediting Measurers; and one for New applicants for Measurer and/or Umpire. All applicants will need to have a letter of attestation signed by two (2) Club Committee members as per the template/s that will be attached to each type of application. This is a requirement of the Australian Sports Commission’s direction toward “Competency based” officials accreditation methods being phased in over the coming months.
The fee/s will remain the same as previous years – $20 for new applicants and $15 for re-accrediting officials.
Evening Tutorials commence at 6:00pm
Tutorials 6:00 pm Wednesday 27th August, 3rd and 10thSeptember, 2014
and Exams from 8:00 am Saturday 13th September
On-Green practicals will be conducted from 9:00 am Saturday 13th September 2014
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Tutorials Saturday 13th September 2014 9:00am – 12 noon & 1:00 – 4:00pm
Tutorials Sunday 14th September 2014 9:00am – 12 noon & Exams 1:00 – 4:00pm
On-Green practicals will be conducted during the tutorial & exam sessions Sunday 14th Sept. 2014
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Applications to be received prior to Friday 22nd August ~ with fees to:
Bowls WA
Level 1, 158 Main Street
Osborne Park WA 6017
All Correspondence to:
PO Box 123, Osborne Park WA 6917
Ph: (08) 9340 0800, Fax: (08) 9340 0888
Notes: New Umpire applicants will be issued with a current Umpires Handbook, included in the fee, All applicants will be required to provide their own ‘Laws of the Sport Of Bowls, 2nd Edition, January 2011’ (Law book available at the tutorials @ $8.00 and Umpires Handbook for those re-accrediting if required @ $8.00).
It is advisable that New Umpire aspirants attend ALL the tutorials and reaccrediting candidates attend at least one tutorial, particularly the first which covers aspects of measuring, if not all.
Attendances will be logged and may influence the decision whether to grant those who fail the written exam being afforded an immediate supplementary review.
For NEW Umpires and Measurers Applications forms please click here
For Umpires Reaccreditation Application forms please click here
For Measurers Reaccreditation Application forms please click here