2015-16 State Squad Announcement
State selectors announce Squads for 2015-16 The state selectors have announced their initial state squads for the 2015/16 season. The new high performance group of coach and selectors have chosen a mixture of experience and new comers to the squads, with the ladies having already met with new Coach Therese Hastings to map out a plan for the season ahead. The Sides Series in 2016 will be held in the ACT.
Graeme Wishart, Chair of Selectors, announced the following State Men’s Squad:
Clive Adams Cambridge
Stuart Bainbridge Doubleview
Corey Bessant Doubleview
Bill Brandsma Doubleview
Scott Edmonds Yokine
Mark Ellis Manning
Matthew Ellul Manning
Matthew France Merredin
Lewis Grigg Osborne Park
Pieter Harris Cambridge
Peter Ker Manning
Shane Knott Manning
Kyle McIlroy Stirling
Thomas Mitchell Manning
Matthew Mitchell Manning
Ryan Moyle Doubleview
Blake Nairn Bassendean
Cody Packer Bedford
Daniel Patterson Bassendean
David Rankin Doubleview
Scott Walker South Perth
Paul Walker Innaloo
Jamie Webster Mandurah
Anthony Williams Manning
Helen Stevens, Chair of Selectors, announced that there has been a dramatic change in the selection and coaching of this years State Women’s Squad, with the aim of bringing life and enthusiasm to the upcoming season.
Noelene Abe Corrigin
Hailey Adams Osborne Park
Elle Ariael Manning
Elizabeth Brooke North Beach
Rechelle Cole Manning
Lisa Featherby Mosman Park
Nola Forbes Corrigin
Helen Heal Manning
Shenayde Heldt Manning
Robyn Jolly Manning
Denise Kelly Mosman Park
Kristina Krstic Manning
Toni Madigan Manning
Laura Merz Manning
Helen Morss Manning
Brooke Newstead Manning
Robyn O’Brien Manning
Shelley Radcliffe Mosman Park
Debra Rhine North Beach
Kim Simms Dudley Park
Shari Solly Osborne Park
Melissa Solly Manning
Linda Warburton Mosman Park