New and re-accrediting Officials Courses
To be held in September at Yokine and Willetton Bowling Clubs Nominations are invited for New and Re-accrediting Officials to attend Sessions and Exams.
Evening Sessions commence at 5:30pm
Sessions1 ~ Monday 4th, Session 2 ~ Monday 11th, Session 3 ~ Monday 18th September 2017
Session 1 ~ Saturday 9th September 2017 8:30am – 12 noon
Session 2 ~ Saturday 9th Septmeber 2017 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Session 3 ~ Sunday 10th September 2017 8:30am – 12 noon
Session 1 ~ Marker & Level 1-to-National Umpire re-accreditation
The first session will be primarily on Markers accreditation and Level 1 Umpires re-accrediting as National Umpires must attend this session
Session 2 ~ New Measurers & Measurer Re-accreditation
Session 3 ~ For those progressing to National Umpire accreditation
Links to documents
New and Re-accrediting Officials Notice
New Officials Accreditation Application
Measurer Re-accreditation Form
National Umpire Re-accreditation Form
Code of Ethics & Behaviour Form
Nominations from Clubs with fees must be received prior to Thursday 24th AUGUST (Yokine) and Thursday 31st AUGUST (Willetton) to:
Bowls WA
PO Box 123
Osborne Park WA 6917
Ph: (08) 9340 0800
Fax: 9340-0888
Important Notes:
Late entries may not be accepted:
All re-accrediting applicants, having submitted the appropriate forms fully completed will be sent, in advance of the relevant dates/times, a set of questions to be completed (preferably at home prior to attending), leaving only the practical on-green presentations & assessments to complete. They will also receive the new “Officiating Manual for Markers, Measurers & Umpires”.
New Marker, Measurer and National Umpire applicants will be sent the new “Officiating Manual for Markers, Measurers & Umpires”, as well as preliminary documentation outlining the learning outcomes expected for the level applied for.
All applicants will be required to provide their own ‘Laws of the Sport Of Bowls, 3rd Edition, January 2015’ (A number of the Law books will be available at the Sessions @ $9.00) The new Officiating structure is based upon active participation and continuing assessments, so all aspirants must attend all relevant Sessions to be accredited. Anyone only aspiring to Marking, Measuring or re-accrediting as Measurer may attend all sessions as observers should they so desire. New Umpires MUST attend & accredit at ALL 3 sessions.