Women’s 2017 Metropolitan Final Pennant Draw
The Final Women’s Tuesday Pennant and Women’s Saturday Pennant draws have been released.
General Information
The draws are the latest available information on 21st September 2017. Please note that these may change if clubs nominate to fill Bye positions or withdraw as often occurs.
All enquires should be via email to the Competition Manager Pieter Harris at pieter@bowlswa.com.au
The Fixtures and Events Committee have attempted to accommodate all club requests however where it was not practical or had a negative effect to other clubs in the competition, some requests may not have been accommodated.
Fixtures are likely to be available in the Bowls Connect Competition System after October 2nd, as which point this article will be removed from the website. Please always refer to the Bowls Connect Competition System for the most up to date scheduling of fixtures.
Women’s Tuesday Pennant
Due to the withdrawal of some teams in higher divisions it has been necessary to promote clubs to a higher division based on ladder position in the 2016-17 season. If a club does not wish to receive this promotion they must make a submission informing us of this.
There is currently a BYE in 2nd Division. Any club is able to submit a claim to this position and the Fixtures and Events Committee will process who is best and most capable of filling the bye. This may mean some changes to occur to colours and number position to ensure that the bye in 2nd Division is filled.
There are a number of BYEs in 3rd Division. If these are not filled some colours may become an 8 team competition played over the full 18 weeks to eliminate as many byes as possible.
Their is currently no 4th Division draw as entries close Friday 13th October
Women’s Saturday Pennant
In 3rd Division there are currently four (4) colours of six (6) teams each with two (2) byes. While it is hoped that bye positions are filled, if this does not occur then 3rd division will either remain a six (6) team per colour played over 14 week competition with no byes or become an eight (8) team per colour competition. The final makeup will be based on a number of factors including the amount of travel incurred by having more teams in each colour.
Women’s Tuesday Pennant Draw
Women’s Saturday Pennant Draw