Important Men’s Pennant Information
Recent events have seen the Innaloo Bowling Club lose a number of members that requires them to relinquish a Pennant Side in both the Men’s Saturday and the Men’s Midweek Pennant Competitions.
Unfortunately due to the level of player lost, the difficult decision to relinquish the Innaloo Bowling Club top division in each competition has been made.
This means Innaloo Bowling Club will not be taking their place in:
Men’s Saturday 1st Division White or
Men’s Midweek Premier League
Bowls WA is currently working through alternatives before making a final decision on which Clubs will be offered promotion. This is not an issue that only effects the named Divisions as clubs will be promoted to fill higher positions as a vacancy becomes available.
A number of things may occur that each club should be aware of:
Your club or another club in your colour may be promoted to a higher Division
To keep colours as regional as possible your club or another club currently in your colour may be required to move colours
To accommodate Home and Away numbers for clubs; your club or other clubs in your colour may change numbers within colours
Clubs and players need to be aware that changes to current fixtures will definitely occur in some colours due to these factors and all clubs need to check on Monday evening to confirm their opponents and venue.
Bowls WA Fixtures and Events Committee members will be contacting clubs who have been selected for promotion or a colour change or a number change directly on Monday.
Men’s Saturday and Midweek 6th Division Pennant Draws
Due to these developments the 6th Division Draws have been delayed and will not be published until Tuesday Morning to ensure they are correct and unlikely to change.