Introducing Every Club

by admin on February 27, 2018

Every Club is the newest club support program delivered by Sport and Recreation (WA). Since 2001, sport and recreation clubs in WA have had access to information and advice on how to start up a club or run and grow their club. Every Club is the latest program and will provide every club in the State with access to best practice resources on how to make their club succeed.
WA community sporting and recreation clubs are run by passionate volunteers, who are always looking for ways to improve their clubs but don’t always know where to start. The new Every Club program has come from community sporting club volunteers and local governments telling us what they need. We have responded to these ideas and will use the latest thinking and tools to deliver club support tools to the entire State.
Whether it is bookkeeping, how to run a club Facebook page, engaging your members through social media, ideas for fundraising and better financial management, improved committee meetings or any of the other hundreds of small tasks club volunteers want to master – Every Club will be a one-stop shop for anyone to access.
Every Club provides resources that anyone can access, at any time, for the specific needs of their local club.
For more information head to the Department of Sport and Recreation WA website