Bowls WA Survey
The number of people playing lawn bowls competitively has been decreasing over the past 15 years. Bowls WA is concerned with this trend and hopes to find out why this is occurring.
You can access the survey here:
Bowls WA is calling on people of all ages in the community, whether they currently bowl or not, to complete a survey to help the newly formed Innovations Committee gather data, evidence and opinions.
The Committee will use the information to determine any changes that could assist in increasing participation in all forms of bowls, by people of all abilities, and will make recommendations to the Bowls Management Committee that reflect the views of stakeholders in the sport.
I urge you to complete this survey, and to share it with your family, friends and workmates outside the sport, to allow us to receive as much feedback as we can to help make lawn bowls more appealing for the future.
The survey will be open until 21 February and should take under 10 minutes for you to complete. Individual responses to the survey will not be published.
Marc Abonnel
Innovations Committee Chair and Bowls WA Board Member