Women’s Presidents 16 and Country v Metro Update
Ladies Sunday representative matches cancelled.
Unfortunately due to several participants in the State Squad vs Presidents’ XVI and Country vs Metropolitan sides testing positive to COVID or deemed close contacts, the matches scheduled for this Sunday (20th) will be cancelled.
As was the case in the recently cancelled Men’s Country All Stars vs Metropolitan fixture, this action has been taken to provide the greatest opportunity for Ladies Country Week to be played without restriction.
To be clear at this time Ladies Country Week is NOT affected and WILL be played as scheduled.
Clubs and members are reminded that SPECTATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED under current WA State Government Level 2 restrictions.
A person must not attend that community sporting activity unless that person:
- Is a parent or guardian of a child who is participating in that community sporting activity as a player or official: or
- Is otherwise a member of the IMMEDIATE family of a PLAYER in that community sporting activity. Sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, wives and husbands of a PLAYER are allowed to attend.