February Midweek Start Time
It has come to our attention that there are a number of clubs who are currently contacting opposition clubs to play at a starting time of 1.30pm without a genuine reason, rather than the agreed trial starting time of 4.00pm for the trial period in February 2023.
Bowls WA is deeply disappointed with the actions of these clubs, given the trial was discussed and agreed to at the May 2022 Presidents’ Forum and confirmed at the July 2022 AGM by Club Executives.
This allowed clubs SIX MONTHS lead time to get organized and inform club members of the trial and for it then to be properly evaluated following the February fixtures. It is to be noted that the two key areas of concern for midweek players through information supplied by clubs and confirmed through surveys are heat and peak hour traffic. Given this trial sought to remedy those concerns, clearly they are not the issues of importance some believe them to be.
Bowls WA understands and accepts a few clubs have a genuine conflict by commencing at a later time and hence a later finish. For those clubs and where the opposition has agreed to do so an Alteration to Pennant Fixture Form must be completed and signed by both clubs and returned to Bowls WA.
A deadline for the lodgment of this form, stating the reasons for changing the start time, must be received by Thursday 12th January.
Clubs who commence at a different time without completion of the form or those who seek to change their start time upon knowing the forecast for the day, will be deemed to have forfeited and no points allocated.