Self-Paced Learning Umpires Course NOW AVAILABLE
In October 2022, Bowls Australia released Self-Paced Learning Courses to become a Marker or Measurer or National Umpire. The courses are run through BowlsLearn and are another option rather than the traditional Face-to-Face Officials Course.
Over the past two months, the Bowls WA Umpires Committee members have been working together to incorporate the new learning method into the Western Australian Umpire Course structure. The Committee members are dedicated to ensuring all new umpires have the proper tools when they Umpire their first event.
The Self-Paced Learning modules have been set up by Bowls Australia after over 12 months of consultation from all states, but the final on-green assessment to complete the accreditation is still required to be undertaken by a WA Presenter and Assessor and a prospective new umpire.
The Self-Paced Learning courses have made it easier for aspiring umpires to gain knowledge at their own pace, allowing them to better understand the rules and responsibilities required for officiating. These modules provide a flexible way to learn, combining video tutorials, written materials, and interactive quizzes that cater to different learning styles.
To enhance this experience further, tools like Memrizz can be integrated into the learning process, helping users reinforce key concepts through spaced repetition, flashcards, and personalized feedback. This not only supports long-term retention but also ensures that umpires can confidently apply their knowledge when officiating at events.
The Bowls WA Umpires Committee is now able to announce the first three dates for prospective officials to undertake their on-green assessment after they have completed the Self-Paced Learning modules online.
All dates include on-green assessment and training as well as a tutorial conducted by BWA Umpires Committee members to ensure all accredited umpires are ready to face any challenge that may come their way.
All venues for the following dates are yet to be confirmed but will be in the metropolitan area
Monday, February 13th beginning at 5.30pm at Manning Bowling Club. Applications close January 31st.
Wednesday, March 1st beginning at 5.30pm at Mt Pleasant Bowling Club – this date has been selected to coincide with the beginning of Men’s Countryweek. Application forms due February 20th. .
Sunday, March 19th beginning at 8.30am at TBA – this date has been selected to coincide with the beginning of Women’s Countryweek. Application forms due March 7th.
Future Dates
Bowls WA has a number of accredited Presenters and Assessors throughout WA. The BWA Umpires Committee has begun working with those P&As to incorporate dates in country regions. Committee members will be working with all country and metropolitan P&As to ensure a consistency of training and tutorials are conducted at every on-green assessment session. Dates in different areas will be announced throughout the year as the volunteer P&As become available.
What is BowlsLearn?
BowlsLearn is a training platform that can offer online training programs in the Coaching and Officiating areas. It can be accessed by logging into BowlsLink by using your personal login details. All players affiliated with a club have a login. If you do not know what yours is, you can find out by contacting Aaron Delaporte in the Bowls WA Office or via
What is the Self-Paced Learning Course?
The Self-Paced course allows you to do the officiating course online and at your own pace. By registering, you will be able to access the required modules to become an Official and you will be able to do them at your own pace. Once you have completed all the modules, you will be required to do the on-green assessment with a Presenter and Assessor to receive your accreditation.
Who Can Do the Self-Paced Learning Course?
While any prospective Official can choose to do the Self-Paced Learning Course, it is designed specifically for those country players who may not have many, if any, courses in the area they live. While you will still be required to be assessed one on one for the on-green element self-paced learning allows you to do the bulk of the accreditation on your own. While players who can access the face-to-face courses can still do the self-paced learning course, Bowls WA will be encouraging all those who have the opportunity to attend a face-to-face course during the year, to continue to do so.
What is the Process to become a Marker or Measurer or National Umpire through the Self-Paced Learning Course?
- Complete the “New Officials Accreditation Application Form”
- Complete “Your Details” as required on the form
- Sign the form
- Choose the course you are undertaking e.g., marker only
- Indicate which accreditation system and the dates of the course you are looking to undertake
- Have a club official complete the form and endorse your application
- Return the form ASAP so your officiating Manual and Law Book can be sent to you before you begin the online modules
- Complete the self-paced learning modules within three months, and at least one week prior to the on-green assessment date
As the club is endorsing the candidate, the club will be invoiced by Bowls WA for the candidate’s course fee. While this cost may be passed onto the club member, as they are volunteering their time for the club, Bowls WA highly recommends the club pays the accreditation cost.
On receival of the application, the current Laws of the Sport, Crystal Mark Third Edition – Version 3.2, and the Bowls Australia Officiating Manual will be sent to each applicant. While there is nothing stopping you from attempting to do the Self-Paced Learning before you receive these items, it is certainly in your best interests if you wait so that you can use and learn about them in conjunction with the modules.
When a candidate has enrolled in a course/module, Bowls WA will be able to view in BowlsLink which candidates have commenced or completed each module. The online modules must all be completed at least one week prior to the on-green assessment date. If the modules are not complete, the candidate will not be eligible to undertake the on-green assessment.
The candidate will gain accreditation as a Marker or Measurer or National Umpire after the successful completion of all sessions.
At the completion of training, a competency sign-off form is sent to Bowls WA and Bowls Australia, and an ID card will be sent by Bowls Australia to the new official via Bowls WA. (Officials cards may become a digital version in 2023).
How to access BowlsLearn
- Log into your BowlsLink account
- Once logged in on the opening page, on the left-hand side margin click on BowlsLearn. It should be the last option
- Welcome to BowlsLearn appears. The last line has a “Click here for the course catalogue”
- Choose one of Marker or Measurer or National Umpire
- The right-hand box has “Get started Login to Enrol”. Choose this option and re-enter your BowlsLink login details when prompted.
- After you have enrolled, when you come back to this course you will be able to choose the left-hand box “Current Status”, to continue where you left off.