Men’s 2nd Div and Under Singles & Pairs open for entries
Entries are now open for the Men’s 2nd Division and Under Singles and Pairs events hosted by Osborne Park on April 11-13 2020. Players can participate in both events with the Singles sectional played on Saturday April 11th and the Pairs Sunday April 12th with qualifiers from both events continuing on Monday April 13th.
Men’s 2nd Division & Under State Singles & Pairs
Supported by: Bethanie Group
Played: April 11, 12 & 13 2020
Entries Close: Friday 3rd April
PDF Entry Form: Men’s 2nd Div & Under Singles
PDF Entry Form: Men’s 2nd Div & Under Pairs
Online Entry Form: Men’s 2nd Div & Under Singles
Online Entry Form: Men’s 2nd Div & Under Pairs
Metropolitan Players
At the closing date for nominations, players must have played the majority of the 2019-2020 seasons Saturday Pennant games in 2nd Division or lower.
If a player only plays Midweek Pennant then they must have played the majority of the 2019-2020 seasons Midweek Pennant games in 2nd Division or lower.
Country Players
1. Players may enter as long as they were not part of the 2018-19 Inter League Round Robin or have not been selected in the 2019-20 Inter League Round Robin.
The organising committee has the right to reject entries that may be in conflict with the spirit of the competition. Players may apply in writing for dispensation to the eligibility criteria under extreme circumstances