Good mates battle out novice final
News from Kardinya Bowling Club On Tuesday 14th February 2017 Kardinya Bowling Club held their Men’s Novice final in fine weather with a light wind from the south west prevailing. The final was umpired by Mr Craig Stokes.
Garry and Chris mates for over 25 years played cricket and darts together at a high level and now play bowls and darts for Kardinya.
Craig called the players to the mat, Mr Garry Knight and Mr Chris Booth (pictured) both dressed in the official Kardy Kats club uniform. Craig showed the coin and asked for a caller “Garry gave the nod and called tails” the coin hovering and eventually showing a tail. Craig explained the final rules and asked Garry to begin with the opening bowl.
Garry adjusted his hat and played his first bowl landing a whisker behind the jack, about thirty five millimetres away, Chris played his shot landing jack high and shot. The opening bowls just a salvo of what was to come.
The results see-sawed up to the fifth end a close game was on the cards.
Meanwhile the bar veranda crowd was building, “Look’s like a tight game tonight, we’ll be here to midnight, does the club serve breakfast”? Asked one of the crowd
At 1830 hours long shadows were cast over A green, Carnaby Cockatoos made their presence known with low flying sorties with metallic haunting cries, echoing over the greens
The close battle continued and acknowledged by the crowd with warm and lengthy applause. Both players wouldn’t give an inch, Garry lobbed his bowl on the jack quickly followed by Chris doing the same.
After fourteen ends the green now in full shade and cooling off our contestants needed to make some subtle changes to their games
Encouraging comments emanated from the bar veranda group, “Come on Garry the Fonz”, was yelled as Garry turned to the bar with a sly grin. Not to be outdone. Chris’s fan club called out “Chris the rock will stay firm till the end”
Moving on, the game continued with Chris holding a slight edge with Garry barking at Chris’s heels. After twenty five ends Mr Chris Booth won the final by a few shots and is now the Kardinya Bowling Novice Champion 2017
Comments heard from the bar veranda from ladies and gentlemen players, “This would have to be the best final I’ve ever seen” such an exceptional standard of bowls was quoted by many of the very experienced players.
Chris and Garry congratulations from all the Kardy members.
Words and photographs by Brian Hooper (Kardinya Bowling Club) February 2017