WA Vision impaired bowlers dominate Nationals
A small but dedicated Vision Impaired team has represented WA in style at the recent National Championships held in Port Macquarie.
The small team of four bowlers and their Directors dominated the series with Calvin Rogers taking out the National Bowler of the Series with Serge Ansquer the National Encouragement Award; culminating in WA being announced as the leading state side – a fantastic achievement.
Results included:
GOLD MEDAL B2 Pairs – Calvin Rogers (Dir: Jason Scheutjens) and Michael Pullinger (Eric Williams)
GOLD MEDAL B2 Open Singles – Calvin Rogers
BRONZE MEDAL B2 Open Singles – Michael Pullinger
SILVER MEDAL B2 Pairs – Ellwyn Willis with a Victorian partner
As the Manager of the side Dawn Hillman wished to thank the supporters and clubs that assisted in meeting the expenses of the team – as can be seen the results speak for themselves.